Governing Body

School governors are members of the school’s Governing Body. They have responsibility for raising school standards but do not run the school day to day; their role is at the strategic or policy-making level. They ensure that the Head teacher performs his or her responsibilities for the educational performance of the school and ensure the sound, proper and effective use of the school’s financial resources.  We value the experience and skills that all governors bring and our governors find that the role is very rewarding. Their contribution to the development of our school and seeing visible improvements in the attainment and well being of the children is a satisfying and important contribution to the local community.

You can read more about our Governors here: 

Name: Colin Bowpitt

Governor Role: School Development and Improvement

Committees: Business, Pay, Learning and Wellbeing

Type of Office: Executive Head teacher

Term of Office: Ex-officio

Job Title: Executive Head teacher

Pecuniary Interest: Ex-officio Executive Head teacher on governing body of Greenfield Primary school.

Professional attributes, experiences, areas of expertise and what they bring to the role:

National Professional Qualification for Headship (NPQH). Colin has been a teacher since his qualified status in 1993 and has worked in a variety of schools within Leicester City, Leicestershire and the North of England. He has been Executive Head of Thistly Meadow Primary School since 2012 and both Greenfield Primary School and Pre-School.  Under his leadership, all schools have received Good Ofsted ratings.  He is a Leader of Education and provides additional consultancy, support and training for Primary, Special and Secondary school leaders.

Name: Jonathan Hunt

Governor Role: Curriculum, Sport

Committees: Business, Learning and Wellbeing

Type of Office: Parent Governor

Term of Office: 17.7.2023 – 16.7.2027

Job Title: Development Manager – Sport and Active Recreation, Coventry City Council

Pecuniary Interest: None

Professional attributes, experiences, areas of expertise and what you bring to the role:

Committed, dedicated and keen in my approach, I look forward to making a positive contribution to the success of Thistly Meadow in my role as Parent Governor. My professional expertise as a Development Manager working for a Local Authority, allows me to think strategically about the development of the school with a particular focus on pupil learning, sport and healthy schools. I have worked in the community and sports sector for over 15years and can bring a range of experiences and universal skills to the governing body.

My position as Parent Governor is one I very much enjoy and hope will be of longevity.  As a new parent to the school in 2014 I was thrilled with the caring, supportive and inclusive environment my daughter received. It is obvious at Thistly Meadow teaching and learning is paramount yet children feel cared for, are stimulated in their environment and are offered an exciting curriculum.

Name: Kirsty Smith

Governor Role: Staff Governor

Committees: Business, Learning and Wellbeing

Type of Office: Staff 

Term of Office: 15.7.2020 – 14.7.2024

Job Title: Assistant Head Teacher

Pecuniary Interest: None

Professional attributes, experiences, areas of expertise and what you bring to the role:

National Professional Qualification for Senior Leadership and Moderator for Leicestershire County Council. I have been at Thistly Meadow since 2010, teaching in both key stage one and two. I was appointed Assistant Head teacher in 2016 and am very much enjoying the challenges of this role.

Name: Matt Steady

Governor Role: Vice Chair, Curriculum, Pupil Premium and Vulnerable

Committees: Learning and Wellbeing

Type of Office: Parent Governor

Term of Office: 1.11.2023 – 31.10.2027

Job Title:  Musician

Pecuniary Interest: None.

Professional attributes, experiences, areas of expertise and what you bring to the role:

My education background is science based and in my previous employment I have worked in project management in IT, with responsibility for strategic direction, managing budgets and resources, implementing new technologies and processes and importantly, looking after the individual needs of a large team of staff. I have also worked in the community teaching both adults and children martial arts; I have a UKCC coaching qualification, and have completed first aid and safeguarding training.

I have undertaken training on attachment issues, developmental trauma and I have a good understanding of the SEN. The needs of looked after children are very dear to my heart.

The Thistly Meadow vision ‘to inspire with the joy of lifelong learning’ resonates strongly with me. The school is doing a fantastic job promoting excellent learning in a warm and friendly atmosphere and I look forward to bringing my skills to the Governing Body and support the continued development of the school.

Name: David Gordon

Governor Role: Curriculum, Creative Arts

Committees: Learning and Wellbeing

Type of Office: Co-opted Governor

Term of Office: 7.11.2021 – 6.11.2024

Job Title: Associate Professor (Marketing)

Pecuniary Interest: None

Professional attributes, experiences, areas of expertise and what you bring to the role:

I am delighted to serve as a Governor at Thistly Meadow, having had two children at the school and having seen at first hand the commitment to a high quality education. My role in higher education includes marketing, IT and new digital media. I am particularly passionate about student employability and the links from university to commerce. I am very keen to ensure that primary children can see a pathway through exciting learning and develop aspirations that move with them as they go through their education and have an understanding of what careers are and the options that are open to them.

Name: Chris White

Governor Role: Curriculum, SEND

Committees: Learning and Wellbeing

Type of Office: Co-opted Governor

Term of Office: 5.7.2021 - 4.7.2025

Job Title: Head teacher

Pecuniary Interest: Ex-officio Head teacher on governing body at Birkett House School

Professional attributes, experiences, areas of expertise and what you bring to the role:

I have known the work of Thistly Meadow on both a private and professional level for many years. My first introduction to the school was over 10 years ago when both my children attended Thistly and I was able to experience the ethos, values and dedication of the school first hand. Although now grumpy teenagers, both still talk fondly of their experiences and learning in school. Professionally I am the current Head teacher of Birkett House School which is a large special school based in Wigston. One of our main priorities is to foster and develop inclusion links with mainstream providers and we currently work in collaboration with the school having a number of students on site. There was a reason I wanted to work with Thistly Meadow; to give the same opportunities and experiences to the children I am responsible for as I wanted for my own children. It is my pleasure to sit on the Governing Body and support the schools development in any way I can.

Name: Asha Chauhan

Governor Role: Curriculum, SEND

Committees: Learning and Wellbeing

Type of Office: Co-opted Governor

Term of Office: 5.7.2021 - 4.7.2025

Job Title: Teacher

Pecuniary Interest: None

Professional attributes, experiences, areas of expertise and what you bring to the role:

I work for Birkett House at the special school unit at Thistly Meadow, teaching up to 12 pupils with varying needs. Our pupils join the mainstream classes for some of their lessons and take part in all the other opportuntities that Thistly offers such as music, arts, swimming and for the first time, an adventure residential to YHA Edale in 2024. Thistly has made us feel so welcome and integrated into their school community since we began our partnership in 2020, and I am delighted to sit on the governing body to help and collaborate in any way I can.

Name: Sarah Jarowicki

Governor Role: Data and assessment

Committees: Learning and Wellbeing

Type of Office: Ex-officio

Term of Office:  N/A

Job Title: Deputy Head teacher

Pecuniary Interest: Ex-officio Deputy Head teacher at Greenfield Primary school

Professional attributes, experiences, areas of expertise and what you bring to the role:

I have been a member of staff at Thistly Meadow for 5 years now, working as Deputy Head and also at Greenfield Primary School for 15 years.

I have always taught in year 5 and 6 whilst at Greenfield but do have experience of teaching in key stage 1. I have always loved teaching year 6 and been committed to raising standards whilst also engaging pupils in an exciting and interesting curriculum that sets pupils up for life at high school and beyond.

As part of my work at Greenfield Primary School, I am now a writing moderator for Leicestershire authority. This is a post that I have successfully held for a number of years and one which I enjoy very much. I enjoy supporting year 6 teachers with agreeing accurate assessments and curriculum development. I have also had the pleasure of becoming a mentor to new moderators.

Name: Dave Taylor

Governor Role: Curriculum, Learning and Wellbeing

Committees: Business, Learning and Wellbeing

Type of Office: Parent Governor

Term of Office: 25.8.2022 – 24.8.2026

Job Title: Regional Manager

Pecuniary Interest: None

Professional attributes, experiences, areas of expertise and what you bring to the role:

I welcome the opportunity to be a Parent Governor at Thistly Meadow. My children attend Thistly and I have seen first-hand the fantastic commitment and dedication from the school in supporting our children’s development and those of our community. I have supported the school with the development of their paddock to create a fantastic Forest School space and I am committed to helping the school develop its curriculum to include more outdoor learning and environmental aspirations.

Name: Mrs Hayley Aitken

Governor Role: Clerk to Governors

Committees: N/A

Type of Office: N/A

Term of Office: Salaried role

Job Title: Clerk to Governors

Pecuniary Interest: Office Manager and Clerk to Governors at Greenfield Primary School.

Professional attributes, experiences, areas of expertise and what you bring to the role:

I have been employed at Greenfield Primary School since January 2017. Before that I worked at a number of schools around Leicestershire including academies and a special school. I have previously worked as a clerk to governors for other schools, so I have financial, administrative and clerking experience to bring to the Governing Body. I have also been a school governor (safeguarding) at a secondary school.

The Clerk to the Governors is responsible for providing independent procedural advice to the Governing Body and is the administrator for meetings of the Governing Body.


Please see the table below for details of our Governors’ attendance over the past 12 months:

Attendance TH 2021 -22

Register of Business Interests 

Click on the register below for more details:

RBI summary 2023-24 TH